Wednesday, April 30, 2008

10 Things

Seems to be pretty popular for people to post 10 things about themselves that even close friends might not know. So, for lack of a better, topic, here goes:

1. I've never learned how to ride a bike. Yes, you read that correctly: never learned. The most I can recall is that my folks tried to teach me when I was four/five/six or somewhere around there, and I wasn't having it. One too many falls, one too many skinned knees, and I finally said, "I'll wait 'till I get a CAR!" Everyone says I ought to go ahead and learn it now. I agree, but I haven't yet seemed to find the time (or the motivation) to do it.

2. I think chips and salsa is the nectar & ambrosia of the gods, especially when the salsa's got a moderate amount of cilantro in it.

3. I've never broken a bone...not surprising when you consider that the only sport I played in high school was cross country/track.

4. I'm a complete prude (but see #5 below): never smoked, never did drugs, never had a one-night stand. I've had plenty of opportunities (especially at college) for doing all three, but I just never gave in. Guess I was raised better (please pardon that last little bit of self-righteousness...)

5. Notwithstanding #4, I got in trouble no fewer than four times back in one school year (4th grade) for dropping the f-bomb (on the bus, on the playground, etc.). I was foul-mouthed little hellion, for sure. My folks must have wondered where they went wrong, because in 31 years, I've never heard either one of them even utter that word, so I can't blame them for it. Nowadays this is probably par for the course in elementary schools, but for the time period (mid-80's) it must have been quite shocking for everyone involved.

6. I'm one of the few people in my age group (i.e., middle-class, American Christian) who's never really been into the band U2. I don't dislike them, I've just never been a big fan. I don't even own one of their "Best Of" compilations. Surely there must be something wrong with me...

7. I have so little upper body strength, it's pitiful. I mean, just barely enough to keep my head upright. Notwithstanding this, I once held my own in an impromptu wrestling match with a friend a few years ago, a friend who's a good three or four inches taller than me and in better shape; on the other hand, he was a little tipsy at the time, and I was as sober as a judge. Might have made a difference...

8. I watched "The Real World: Hawaii" religiously when it first came on TV. Then I lost interest in reality TV and never watched another one again. I can't explain it, even today.

9. I had to actually force myself to write the "BTW" in the first post, because I never, ever abbreviate, even in quick e-mails; I always write everything out.

10. #9 may have to do with the fact that I don't text. I also don't own an iPod (still stuck in CD stage), and my mobile phone has zero other options (and I have to admit, I kinda like it that way). Technologically savvy, I ain't.

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