Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jumping on the bandwagon...and trying not to fall off...

Well it seems a number of my friends and acquaintances are doing it, and I've often thought/been told that I should keep some sort of diary/journal/log of what's going on with me...So here it is, the blog of Dan.

(BTW, the blog title is to humor a friend of mine, Mr. Friberg (Tom), in case he stumbles across this while
trying to save the world out in the Lone Star state. Mr. Friberg, being originally from the wilds of Minnesota, seems to have always been fascinated by Southern sayings, especially "I reckon", which he took to saying a lot, as he's wont to do, whenever we hung out. Now he's probably into Texas sayings...whatever those might be; "We do it BIG out here!" being an obvious one, probably.)

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